Saturday, June 25, 2011

Special Kids

All of the kids I take care of are special.  Is that cliche?  Maybe so, but it's true.  I truly have learned something from each and every one of them -- though not always what I thought I would learn.

Some kids stand out.

My first "real" patient, who was 13 at the time, and is now, at the advanced age of 27, joining the military.

The patient who got a transplant for her horrible leukemia... who was so sick going into her transplant that I said to her during her "consent conference"... "Well, if your kidneys fail during the transplant, at least your donor can give you one of his, too, and since your immune system will be his, you won't have to worry about rejection."  Not only did her kidneys not fail, but she is alive, well, in remission, and sometimes takes her hormones.

Marta also stands out.  Marta was a teen mother before I met her, though she was finishing her freshman year of college.  That, alone, impressed me.  But as I got to know Marta, first during her initial treatment, and then while we were unsuccessfully treating her relapse, I got to know a warm, caring, wonderful mother.  A young woman who faced adversity with grace, never complaining about her fate.  A young woman who made mature decisions, including continuing college through all of her treatment.  A young woman who accepted hospice care when she needed it, but continued to do what she could to extend the time she would have with her child.

From some kids, I learn about a disease.  From some kids, I learn compassion.  From some kids, I learn grace.  From Marta I learned how to face life, no matter what life has in store.

I'll miss her.


  1. Thank you for continuing to post on this website. When I first came across your blog a few weeks ago, I was so excited to read a real and refreshing account of the life of a pediatric oncologist. I have seen many kids, most recently my sister, fight cancer. I hope to become a pediatric oncologist one day and this blog is a great reminder of what I am working towards.


  2. I'd never thought about childhood cancer leaving orphans. Another heartbreaking angle on this. Thanks for the post -

  3. I, too, am so happy that you're still posting on this blog. I'm about to start my third year of medical school and have had 6 months of clinics but I really feel like I'm hitting a wall. I want to be a pediatric oncologist, but sometimes I feel totally burnt out in medicine and I don't know if I can continue. Your blog gives me so much hope and reminds me why I went to medical school in the first place.

    Thank You,
    Future Kids' Cancer Doctor!

  4. Dr. I decided I want to be a pediatric oncologist and that's what led me to find your blog. It is so informative and well written. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and stories. I'll periodically come visit as I take this journey into this amazing specialty =)

  5. I always enjoy reading your blog Dr. Loeb. You'll always be my favorite doctor! Love, your favorite patient!

  6. It is good to be like Marta. Complaining about life will never do any good. It is better to take life as light as possible

    Thanks for sharing that. Really awesome.

  7. Dr. Loeb, this post was heartbreaking yet encouraging. I observed you a few times in peds onc clinic and it is very inspirational to read about the emotional approach behind your care that complements the scientific aspect of being a physician.

  8. Dear Dr. David

    It’s a great pleasure to read your blog. I find your post very interesting. Children must receive attention and affection to develop in a healthy manner.

    As a reader, I consider your writing to be a great example of a quality and globally competitive output. It would be a great thrill and honor if you could share your genuine ideas and knowledge to our community, Physician Nexus. With this you can gain 1000 physician readers from over 62 countries on Nexus.

    We would love for you to visit our community. It's free, takes seconds, and is designed for physicians only - completely free of industry bias and commercial interests.


    Lee Marie Lomoljo
    On behalf of the Physician Nexus Team

  9. Good post here.Thanks for sharing this info.

  10. I have read just a small part of your blog so far - it is a bit close to the knuckle right now, but incredibly helpful too. My baby boy has just started treatment for an undifferentiated spinal sarcoma, and I have started my own blog of our experiences, I would be extremely grateful if you might find the time to add it to your list of relevant blogs, and maybe even have a look at it yourself from time to time.

    I will read the rest of your blog as I find the courage to do so

    Many thanks


  11. You're such an inspiration doctor!

  12. I have so much respect for what you do. It must be an insanely difficult job that requires an incredible amount of fortitude, I look forward to reading more and wish you the best.
