Saturday, April 18, 2009

It's Been A While

It's been a while since I've been able to post. There are numerous reasons, too many to list here. Life is like that sometimes. Grant deadlines come and go, manuscripts need to be written, patients need to be cared for, and of course my family needs me as well.

Sometimes, I think, people need to be reminded why we do what we do. Please watch this video. This is why I do what I do.

Related Posts:

The Joy Of...
Ben's Tale
One of My Patients Is Famous
Another Patient Makes News!


  1. Thank you. May you and your family be blessed, blessed, blessed.

  2. David,

    Tried to watch, couldn't.
    But thanks for doing what you do.


  3. Oh my lord. First, I might steal that and put it on my blog (with full disclosure that it came from you!). Second, what a great video. And I wholeheartedly feel you - I'm at one of those moments right now, where I wonder why it is I do this work. In the end, we always remember why.

  4. Beautiful video. I often watch the ones I made for my little girl to mark our first year of treatment - and I often watch the one I made to say thank you to all our doctors, nurses and the Child Cancer Foundation -

    Lea White

  5. Great great video.. thanks a lot for sharing.. keep it up.

  6. You inspire me. Thanks for being a whole-hearted man and sharing your skills to others.

  7. Wonderful video, even though I cried.

    My daughter got her 5 year "all clear" a couple of weeks ago, and she's now officially graduated to aftercare. My daughter did the rounds to hug all of the nurses and oncologists that she could find, and I think that they were almost as happy as we were. I never forget that we are one of the lucky ones.
