Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Long Year for Mike

A year ago this week, Mike's sinuses were acting up again.  It wasn't uncommon for Mike to have sinus problems during winter, but last December things were worse than usual.  A trip to his pediatrician led to a CT scan.  The scan found a mass, not a sinus infection, and that's how Mike and I met.

Mike spent last Christmas worrying about the mass in his sinuses, and whether it was cancer.  After a year of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, Mike celebrated a very important day earlier this month:  End of Chemo Day.

We celebrated with Mike in clinic.  His family brought trays of sandwiches and desserts to share with the staff.  Mike plays guitar, so he had a special cake.

The food was awesome, the cake was divine.

But the best part of the day?  The smiles associated with the news that the MRI and the PET scan couldn't find any cancer in Mike anymore!

I'm pretty sure this year Christmas will be a whole lot more merry in Mike's house!

Related Post:

A Musical Wish


  1. Yippee! Great news for Mike & his family and all who participated in his care.

  2. That's the kind of Christmas story I like to see!

  3. This is such incredibly good news. Mike's mom emailed me post-scans. What relief! And as David said, "I'll have whatever Mike had."

  4. Thanks for sharing...always enjoy reading your blog!


  5. Nice Post. Thanks for Sharing information.

  6. I am glad for Mike. It is nice to hear success stories.

  7. I'm Mike's mom, and I approve of this blog post! Thanks Dr. Dave.

  8. I know the health care profession is all about the mid-line between the life and death. After reading this Blog I was very happy thinking how happy Mike was. And Doctor David too, when he saw Mike being able to fly freely in those dreamy clouds of his life.Very interesting blog Doctor David.

  9. By coincidence, I know a Mike who has so far survived a Stage IV melanoma 1 year + post chemo (and surgery before chemo, of course).

  10. I JUST finished treating a patient named Mike, what a coincidence.

  11. You have a wonderful site I am so glad the people be human with this situation and of course I like it so much because it's christmas time
